We are just about always having as much fun as she is in that picture.
Gabe totally supports my feelings about the Starbucks situation, which is nice. He gets that this job is a happy thing for me, and I have just come from a situation where going to work felt like a chore and made me really unhappy. So I know he's got my back and we'd work something else out if this whole coffee thing fell through.
I have a friend who just moved to Montreal for work (from Burbank OMG culture shock much?) and she sends these amazing emails detailing her experiences there. I wish she'd get a camera and send some pictures out, and that she'd get a blog so I could turn you guys on to her story. It's really way more interesting than mine, that's for sure!That's frost. On my lawn. It's probably on my lawn a lot, but I leave before there's light to see it by. I keep telling Gabe how cold it is, which explains his response (see above). What else do you say after the 50th time some one remarks about how cold it is?
I can't help it, when I go outside my brain refuses to function except to mention that, Wow, it's cold. And then it just pops out of my mouth to whomever is closest. Sometimes it's just me, and then I say it to myself.
Gabe and I hung Christmas lights in our front hall. They look really great there. I'm going to see how long he'll let me keep them up. Probably at least til the new year.
That's pretty darn cute. I would totally rock those tights if they came in my size!
Monday I start training a new barista and I'm excited but nervous. I was hoping to get some time off on Monday or Tuesday but I pretty much can't since I'm going to be working with some one. So my cousin will have to fend for herself for the mornings she is here. I'll make up for it in the afternoon, Kim. I promise.
Not that I want to get in any way political in this forum (or any other! Like you give a shit what I think about politics) but I will say I'm excited for the change of president to come already! I can't imagine becoming president-elect and then having to wait 3 or 4 months to start. It's like getting told you're going to get the best Christmas present ever while being eaten by a monster... but first you have to wait. How glorious and terrifying.
Have I told you I LOVE the library system up here? I figured out that I have saved a bazillion dollars on new books, using the Black Gold Library System's free transfer of books between libraries. The whole SLO and SB counties are in on it, and I can rent a book from any library in those 2 counties and they will deliver it to my library down the street. A BAZILLION DOLLARS! I swear.
So that's my something to say. I felt like I had a lot going on and wanted you to know about it. Now you do and I can finally walk away from my computer without that uneasy blogless feeling.
That was my Monday.
On Tuesday, I went shopping! I met a couple of girlfriends for dinner where we gabbed and they showered me with love. Then I went to my old meeting hall and got to sit in on a great women's meeting.
Today I got to wear my wedding dress again (long story), which is good because I LOVE IT. All in all, a very good trip. And now I'm home. YAY home!
It makes me hopeful for my own party that is brewing in my head...
And here's the view from the top:
There are many reasons that choosing to say yes to a hiking invitation was a good thing to do, but the biggest reason is definitely that I'm showing the universe some willingness.
The top one is still a work in progress, but the bottom one makes me happy! I love painting, it's seriously impossible to think of anything else.
And I've been watching a lot of HGTV. A lot. Home & Garden TV. Yes, I'm imagining a "feature wall" in the living room and a complete redo of our fireplace. I'm talking sledgehammers and riverstone. I need help and I can admit it.
Like I said, life is humming along. I've kinda figured out a plan of attack to gain some girlfriends up here. It mostly involves playing games, and well, meditation. I'll keep you updated.