Monday, September 15, 2008

More Hiking Pics

Gratuitous Gnome Photo: Into the woods we go! On the left is my new friend Marie, then Brandi my hiking buddy and boss, plus Scooter our tour guide.
Here's the actual trail we were on:

Here's some more pictures of this trail and it's surrounding areas. This one is in San Simeon and gee golly wiz is it pretty.

I can't believe I live so close to this beautiful awesomeness. It's almost (what? I said almost!) as good as Disneyland. Minus the soft serve ice cream stands.
All this hiking is a really good workout but unfortunately I keep eating too much to see any results... Soooo it looks like I'm going to be embarking on a new WLJ (weight loss journey... stop retching) through work. I feel like I might be getting a little bored with the whole Weight Watchers thing. Even though I love it and know it works, I am not doing it so much right now and I think it's because the challenge is gone. So I'm switching it up.
I'm going down to LA in a few days again to see Wicked the Musical for, oh, the 4th time. I swear I'm done for a year or so after that! It helps that it's leaving LA pretty soon and I have no plans to visit Broadway. We're going with a friend of Gabe's and his girlfriend so hopefully it will be some kinda fun double date thing. Wish my socially awkward self good luck.

1 comment:

Big Dave said...

Wow GODS country, Totally awesome pics. Miss you guys