Monday, August 18, 2008

Izzy and Scooter

This is a photo of Cedric with my co-workers, Isabelle and Scott (aka Izzy and Scooter). They are very nice young people! Unfortunately, today is Izzy's last day so we are sad to see her leave.

I am still enjoying my time at Starbucks although my hours have stepped up a bit because so many people are leaving. School is starting and a lot of people have moved... so we're a bit strapped. But hey, it's all an adventure.

I have been a bit more active lately. I went to the park Saturday night and listened to a live band and chatted with a friend. Sunday was a pool party at an AA woman's house that was well attended. It was good for me to see so many women together in one spot, not at a meeting.

It makes me hopeful for my own party that is brewing in my head...

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