Sunday, November 30, 2008

Talking Turkey


Sorry about the title of this post... I couldn't help myself!

Thanksgiving was freakin' awesome!! And I'm not exaggerating. It was so cool. My father and sister-in-law came up here, with my little brother in tow. My husband's business partner, Sam, came over and brought his little family and his mother and sister-in-law. There were 9 grown-ups and one 1 year old. We watched football (boring blow-outs) and talked and prepped and cooked and ate (food was good!) and then... we played Apples to Apples. Any day that has Apples to Apples in it is a good day to me.

My mom and her boyfriend, Joe, showed up around 9pm on Thursday. Joe and Gabe set up the hot tub on Friday. We had to let it heat up, but Saturday morning, I didn't work so we woke up and got in. Every one was had left by then and we just soaked and relaxed. We got in it again last night, there are so many stars visible around here! It's so different than where I used to live, with only the brightest stars shining through the light pollution.

The cool thing is that my sister-in-law really liked it up here, and I think we're going to have family here again at Christmas time. I'm very excited for that. I'm just excited for the holidays in general! My only complaint is that I can't get down to Disneyland!! Obviously, I have quality problems...


Giggly said...

Sounds like a good time.
Yeah, not getting to Disneyland is our only complaint too :)

thedamottas said...

I am happy to hear you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and lots of company! Not to rub it in your face or anything but we are going to Disneyland next weekend for two days, I love it there at the holidays!

Love & miss you!