Friday, December 7, 2007


I have been tagged. I'm not quite sure what that means exactly but apparently I must now give you 7 random facts about myself.
Here they are in no specific order:

1. I love my family more than I ever thought I would. I used to feel like I didn't belong to them or with them at all, and now all I want to do is spend time with them, talk to them and generally show them I love them.

2. Here's an obvious one: I'm a really sappy person.

3. I love smells. Pumpkin, tuberose and cinnamon buns top my list right now.

4. I just came from an AA anniversary party, celebrating a friend's 4th year of sobriety.

5. I have a hot pink rug, robe and towels in my bathroom. I just fell in love with hot pink one day recently and got inspired to literally bathe in it.

6. I watch more sports than you probably ever will, or ever even want to. Go Lakers! Go Angels! Go Green Bay!

7. From the second I met him, my husband has always been my favorite person. Even when we didn't talk for a year, I just adored him from afar.


Miss Bliss said... the list...and I know we don't have a football team and ultimately it's a good thing we don't (for whatever reason it's just bad for LA to have a football team) but...why the Packers?

Miss Bliss said...

OH...and it was SOOOOOOOO fun to see you last night!!