Thursday, December 27, 2007


Luckily, I am not in charge of this whole moving thing. That honor belongs to Gabe, which is fine by me. If I were team captain, we would've started packing in November and not gotten anything really done until January 1st. There would be a lot more fretting and sleepless nights.

It's weird and wonderful to be so completely trusting in another person. So much so that moving my life to a different location is gladly thrust into his hands. I'm not saying that I couldn't do it on my own, or that I'm a helpless girlie. Y'all just know that ain't true. But I am happy to do my part in this marriage and let him do his.

On a different note, I have been officially off of work for 2 days now and I am proud to say I already forgot what day it was one time! That's my favorite part of long vacations: completely disregarding clocks and schedules. When I'm working I am all about times and dates, which day of the week I have a free minute to do what ever I need to get done.

This feels really good, to be free for a while. And not knowing exactly what the future holds is more exciting now that the "future" I've been talking about for so long has technically arrived. Like I have found again and again, when I am willing to take that leap of faith all kinds of possibilities become available.

I'm so happy to be having this experience. Life feels all new and fresh. I am learning new ways to love and trust. I am open to the possibilities. I am free, yet secure. I am practically effervescing! As if you couldn't tell. Wheeeeeee!

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