Thursday, December 20, 2007

Surreal life

Yesterday my co-workers surprised me with a going away present. It was very sweet, considering how cranky I've been with all of them during my time here. I am realizing that I am getting better at keeping my opinions to myself, both verbally and non-verbally (i.e. I don't roll my eyes at people any more). That must make me a much more pleasant person!

At any rate, it's becoming very surreal that I am 22 working hours away from being out of this place I've worked in most of the past 8 years. I'm not sad to leave it, it's not the cheeriest of places. No windows, cement floors and fluorescent lighting. I've had a difficult time with some of my co-workers, and although that seems to be getting better I'll still be glad to move on from here. Also, there is no company parking (or street parking!) so we must fend for ourselves.

The brightest spot for me at this work location has been my boss. She's also in recovery so we speak the same language. I get all my work done and do it well and she lets me read at my desk with out any hassle. I'll be sorry to lose her guidance and support.

The point is: I'm leaving this office! I can't bring myself to say forever yet. Maybe it's superstitious nonsense but I just can't say it yet. I don't really believe it yet. Yet, yet, yet. Give me some time away and I think I'll change my tune. Heh, heh.


Kat said...

Yeah for you on being a true short timer at work. I know you've really been waiting for this to come and we've talked about it for months (:

Enjoy being work free for a while. Take it in and relax. No more early mornings for a while should be nice.

Miss Bliss said...

What an exciting time for you!