Sunday, December 2, 2007


So, more happy news! We got the place we were trying to rent. It looks pretty nice, and although I've never seen it, I trust Gabe's taste and he thinks it's pretty special. I think it's nice to have a vision of where we're going. It's so pretty!
I am a little apprehensive. It's just another proof that we're moving, that it's definitely happening, that I'm going to live somewhere other than Burbank. I know there are no big deals, but this feels like at least a moderately-sized deal. So I'm treating it as such, I'm trying to have a hands-off approach while doing the footwork. It seems to be keeping me calm so far.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is gorgeous! Can't wait to see it in person!

Kat said...

Congrats on the new home. The pics do look lovely!

Anonymous said...

this place is sick!!! long 'til michael and i can come visit? if you ever need a house sitter, let us know ;)
congratulations on your place and your exciting journey coming up.

Miss Bliss said...

OH that looks just great! What a wonderful adventure!

Kate Danley said...

Yah, this seems like it MIIIIIGHT be an okay place to live. What is that green stuff outdoors on the ground and those tall brown things with the green around the edges?

P.S. That floor? Three words. Private. Roller. Rink.