Tuesday, January 15, 2008

No Internet

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! How in the world do people live with out internet at their fingertips every second of every day. I don't think I'm being funny either. See this face? Not laughing.
It especially blows if you're new to an area and don't even know where the library is. And the phone company isn't as vigilant as they used to be delivering the big, paper phone books. Do they even still do that?

Why am I asking you? I should probably know that already.

Anyway! We didn't have internet for a day and a half (insert AT&T customer service rant here)and it was difficult to function. Not to mention I spent most of Saturday and Sunday freaking out. I felt useless and like I wasn't doing anything. Which is actually what I'm supposed to be doing. I've actually been assigned to relax and follow my bliss. But can I just do that? Noooo.

So I whined to my husband. And he made some loving suggestions, which basically involved getting my head out of my bum and using the tools of Alcoholics Anonymous. Duh.

And I did! I wrote on Sunday night and went to an AA meeting Monday morning. I talked to a friend who made even more good suggestions. I did an exercise class last night and went to Weight Watchers this morning. I played some Wii, and gave myself permission to do a lot of that in the next few weeks.

It's hard to allow myself some freedom. I know what I would be doing if I were off in Burbank. I'd be making dates with all my gals and seeing them all day and going to the classes I normally attend and hitting the library and the shops. But that's all run, run, running. Here I am being gently guided to a slower pace, that involves less doing and more being. I like that, and I'm interested to see who I am with out all the activities I used to identify myself.

1 comment:

Miss Bliss said...

Boy we sure do get hooked on this internet stuff eh? I know I'm exactly the same way...but it's good to shake things up a bit. It's good to create new patters and see what falls out of your head as a result of that process. It's good to work at relaxing and maybe just wandering around your new area a bit...without really knowing where you are or where you're going...just wandering and looking. It's all part of that change business...:-)

P.S. I have now read the first three books in the Morganville Vampire series...WHAT FUN! Also have you read the Vicki Pettersson books?