I call it "Sunrise on my Lawn"
It's crazy that there's so much greenery here. When I drive around, I'm surrounded by weird foliage everywhere. And rolling hills. That are green. I didn't know people could still live in places like this. We have this view north that I can't get my camera to take a good picture of.
That's why we can't wait to have guests. We miss every one and it will be nice to have little pieces of Burbank come up to stay the night. Plus we want them to come and experience the little serenity station we have up on our little hill-bump.
Funny, everyone here recoils in horror when I tell them I'm from Burbank. My hometown has certainly gotten a bad rap up here somehow. I guess it's the traffic and noise. 'Cause seriously, up here, I got off the freeway at about 5:15 pm onto the MAIN street in Paso Robles and I was in traffic for about, oh, 35 seconds. That is the only time I've seen more than 3 cars clustered together in any place here.
I'm certainly NOT complaining. Come on, every one hates traffic and feeling crowded. I haven't felt like it's too rustic or country here. Okay, shopping's not the same as the Galleria but they do have a Target which is practically all I need. And if I really need something high priced I can just go to San Luis Obispo.
Now if I could just shake the feeling that I'm on vacation. I think if I was going to work every day I would feel much more like this is really happening. It's funny how the grass is always greener. When I'm working I just can't wait to get out of there. When I'm not working, I wish they'd call and give me a freakin' job.
Don't forget that the internet can supply all your shopping needs if you are willing to wait just a short while to received your items. Personally it's my fav cause I hate stores. What a lovely lawn.
I've thought "lawn" was merely a dreamy fairytale told to young children to get them eat their carrots. "Eat your carrots so you'll grow up big and strong and one day, be able to afford a house with a laaaaawn."
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