I put my sunglasses down to give a sense of perspective of how freakin' humongous the animal was. And such a lovely shade of , er, mustard. Nature really knows her stuff, huh?

I also liked this tree, and the sky behind it. I wasn't quick enough to snap a pick of the huge hawk flying by behind it. But there's hawks all over the place up here.

Gabe had his first acupuncture appointment and thinks he might feel a little better. We're going again on Thursday. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but maybe this is a good thing.
My mom is supposed to come up on Saturday, I am happy to say. She hates the drive but I think it will be nice for Joe to have some company. And for me!
Mr. Mustard is cute!
I lived in Washington for a short time and saw the biggest slugs on earth there!!
I have never seen a yellow slug before or one that big...Your hikes must be a great adventure each time. There isn't much to see when I hike here but smog and lots of dogs lol
Enjoy your upcoming visit (:
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