Friday, January 30, 2009

A (Not-so) Happy Times Update

It's not that my happiness solely depends on my husband. But obviously, he plays a big part of my life, and the home that we're in together gets its vibe from how we are feeling. I guess I haven't been much into posting because there's not a lot of great news, or because there's no news at all.

I don't mean that it's all a bummer, Gabe and I are still managing to smile and laugh. But not as much as I'm used to! So of course it's a little depressing. He still is in a lot of pain. He's still laying down all day, every day. He's still a little on edge, and although he's not directly taking it out on me, I feel bad that he's so frustrated.

He keeps telling me I'm in charge of morale, which is a good thing! I am typically very upbeat about things. Mostly at this point, I'm frustrated at the lack of progress and I feel totally powerless over the situation. So keeping my morale high can be a little taxing. This sucks way more than I want it to!

And I'm not looking for sympathy, I just thought my 2 readers might be wondering why I'm not saying much lately. All things considered, my life still is blessed and awesome. I just miss my husband! I love it that I'm in such a position to have such a great spouse, that I'm so lucky that usually he'll do anything to get a laugh out of me. This has been a good experience as far as showing me what an awesome dude Gabe is. But OKAY I learned my lesson, can I have him back now please?

As for me, at least I'm still able to get out and do things. Honestly, Gabe wants me to get out of the house and have some fun. He's also probably happy to have me stop hovering!

I've taken up yoga again, YAY! And I've been hiking a bit and on Monday we started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer from Episode One... then we watched 2 more. I love that show and it's just so awesome to share it with people who are total BTVS virgins. They don't even know who/what Angel is yet. I love it.

Anyways, that's what's happening in my world lately. We're going to acupuncture on Monday, I'm sure that will help. It helped me when nothing else did. Everyone cross your fingers!

1 comment:

Miss Bliss said...

Big love to you and Gabe's hoping the teeny tiny needles help!