I finally got the number of who to contact for the meeting hall I'd like to use Friday nights. I ended up going to the place while there was a meeting on and there was a number posted on the wall. Now I just have to call it. *sigh* All this work I must do...
Here's a weird thing:
I am at work yesterday and I look up at the next customer who just happens to be some one I know from Burbank. She asks me what I'm doing there and since I'm the one in the apron I feel like I can say "Oh no what are you doing here?" I figured she must be on her way to parts north. But no. She moved here two weeks ago, with her son. She lives less than 10 miles away from me.What a bizarre moment that was.
I don't know her well but we were always cordial enough. So I invited her to join me at a meeting tonight, but I had to leave a message. That's right people! I used a PHONE. Don't any one drop dead out there. I haven't heard back from her but the day ain't over yet!
I don't remember if I've mentioned my boss yet. Anyways, she's cool and I think we're going to eventually hang out. That makes me happy. She actually seems very interested in hanging out, unlike the lady I went out with on Tuesday.
The woman I went out with on Tuesday was, by her own admission, stepping out of her comfort zone. I won't name names but that was a really uncomfortable 45 minutes. She is really nice but just doesn't like women much yet. I am a woman, hence the awkward-osity of lunch. It was nice of her to try though.
That's the saga of lately. I'll let you know if I see that lizard again.