Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Small town job hunt

I applied at Starbucks before we went on vacation, and I hadn't heard anything from them. So I went in yesterday and lo and behold the manager (Brandi) that I got the original application from was there.

She whipped out a clipboard when I asked about jobs and said "I've got space at noon for an interview." I went in at noon and it went very well. So well in fact that when I went to meet a potential friend for dinner, Brandi was in the restaurant (small town!) and told me she'd call me today to set up a second interview.

Well, she didn't call and I forgot to call til right now and she's already gone. I'll get on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Yeah for you! Glad to hear you're being pro job and on the hunt. Good Luck!