Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Does not Compute

My computer caught a virus. It is bad. I have no way to access my files. I only backed up my wedding photos, and not the billion silly pictures of my life that had tucked in all safe in my hard drive. I am sad.

I know that I am not the first person that this has happened to, and that makes me feel a little better. But still. IT SUCKS.

What really sucks is that my husband worked on the computer for TEN HOURS (not an exaggeration, he's a tenacious man) and then when he thought it might be all better... he turned it on, and it made the same noise it made TEN HOURS BEFORE.


There's still a computer in the house and at the store, so I am still able to communicate with the outside world. (What, a phone you say? Surely you jest. Hello 1985! Unless it's a text message.)

And I'm still able to get my blog fixes. I have the standards that I check constantly (see "blogs I dig" to the right) and now I have a new blogfriend. Go here: and check her blog out if you're into funny.

I will soon put her on my "blogs I dig" but I feel she must get a special mention as she is the first person who I know that I have never met. I have finally entered the 21st century, and look ma! No myspace.

(Yes that's right. I'm not on myspace. I know that's grounds for some kind of social outcastery but I just can't do it.)


I am going to miss my pictures and music if they can't be saved. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will get home and Gabe will be all like "it's fixed honey. I truly am your knight in shining armor. Can I have a sandwich?" And I'll be all "sure" because I always like making sandwiches.


Miss Bliss said...

You are SO cute. I hope it gets fixed too sweetie. It's hard to loose data...I've done it.

Kat said...

Sorry to hear about your computer problems. I hope there is a way to fix and save some of those photo memories.

giddy girlie said...

oh! I hope it's fixed now! And also, thank you for the mention! See how nice internet friends are? They don't leave comments for TWO WEEKS. ha ha ha :)