Monday, May 19, 2008


Ok so I think I'm a little disoriented.

I spent the first few days of our honeymoon with this familiar feeling of dread. I realized about the 2nd or 3rd day that I was on emotional auto-pilot. See, I've spent the past 13 years doing that. I always had to go back to my job at the end of my travels. I would start worrying about how bad work was going to suck when I had to go back, thus casting a pall over what would be a lovely time if I could only stay present.

Then I remembered that I don't work there any more! Oh the joy! That didn't stop the feeling from coming back over and over, of course. But I always had a way to get rid of it.

Now we're home and I feel a little out of sorts. Guilty that I don't have to go back to grindstone, maybe? At any rate, I'm not sure what to do with myself. I have a 2nd interview with Starbucks tomorrow and I'm hoping that I get the job for plenty of reasons.

I haven't really settled into a meeting routine yet, and the one meeting I try to go to for sure is during my interview tomorrow evening. I was going to a meeting in San Luis on Fridays but it's too far to drive with gas being what it is... It's silly to go that far for a meeting when there's plenty of good ones literally down the street. I also don't have a sponsor up here yet. I asked some one but they live 40 miles away. Again, silly.

The awesome thing is that I'm really happy. As out of sorts as I might be, it's mostly because I'm being inundated with good stuff.

I hope you have enjoyed my stream-of-consciousness/journal entry/confession/update...

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