Friday, April 11, 2008

In a Hurry

Yesterday I was hurrying through making a sandwich and cut the tippy-top of my pinkie off. Well it's still there, a meat flap hanging by a shred of skin which I'm not interested in ripping off. So it will stay there until I am interested in ripping it off, which will be sometime after the meat flap dries and hardens and starts catching on things.

Ok that was gross. But you know that's how it happens.

I started wondering which character defect makes a person unintentionally mutilate themself. I realize for me it's impatience. I want to hurry through whatever I am doing right now to get to whatever I'm going to hurry through next.

Also, I can throw a little laziness in the mix. Yes, not only was I hurrying, I was also cutting corners on safety. I don't want to fully take the time to do everything right because I strive for efficiency in all things. That can be very oxymoronic when an injury doubles the time it takes to make the sandwich because you have to stop and put your head between your knees.

So impatience and laziness in combination add up to consequences that I'm no longer willing to accept. My mission right now is to learn how to slow down and be thorough. The problem is that I want to do it as quickly and easily as possible!

That reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. Patience is a virtue, I can't wait to get some!

On an end note, typing with a partially severed finger tip can be a challenge.


Miss Bliss said...

LOL!! I TOTALLY relate to this post...I am EXACTLY the same way. Though I am getting better but I am always amused at how I will start to hurry and rush when there is no all...I am not late, there is no deadline, nothing is impending. For me my best tool is consciousness, because I know that I do that rushing when I'm not really present in the head is actually somewhere else and I go on a sort of auto-pilot.
Take good care of your little finger.

Kat said...

I can so relate to this! I always tell people that but have to remember it myself.

Poor little finger, and yes when you've sliced a finger typing does become a challenge.

Big Dave said...

It would added some protein to your sandwich. Yumm
remember its the journey not the destination. I hurry as well and have to stop and just breath a few times.