Saturday, August 30, 2008

9 Years

Nine years ago tonight I was having one of the saddest, loneliest nights of my life. Little did I know what I had in store for me the next day, or the next decade!

I was by myself trying to get through a 12-pack of MGD, not getting drunk. It was as if I had become immune to the effects of alcohol. So I just packed a bag for the rehab I was going to the next day, and went to bed.

The rest is frickin' awesome history! Yes, there have been some seriously difficult challenges the past 9 years. Mostly of my own making and never too big to get over with a little help from my friends and a higher power.

Talking about believing in a power greater than myself is a little strange, but the actual belief part feels natural, like it's always been there. I guess in some ways it has. I can say that my higher power speaks to me through my fellow alcoholics. I have had many people in AA say just the right thing at just the right time, when I was ready to listen.

In the past 8 months I've had to rely more on my abstract faith than the concrete contact with other alcoholics that I had depended on my whole sobriety. It's been quite a learning experience, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'm happy, joyous and free due to working the 12 steps and practicing an upright and honest life.

I'm SO excited to be sober for so long (even though I can't really take all the credit)! Who knows what kind of life I'd have--if any. Instead of misery and hopelessness, I have a way of life that allows me to have a purpose. And I never have to do anything alone. That in itself is worth the price of admission.


Kat said...

Happy 9 Years Ang. You've come so far and I look forward to seeing you grow more over the years. Your blog is a great way of watching your adventures since you've moved.

I hope you continue to enjoy your journey. We will always have mothers day weekend. I look forward to it yearly and thank you for turning me onto it (:


Miss Bliss said...

Oh happy day sisterwoman!!
