Thursday, January 8, 2009


Things did not go as planned for me, which as you may well know I don't handle gracefully. It's not that big of a deal really, and I was happy that I decided to stay home with Gabe. He was in so much pain and pretty much out of commission, unable to walk or stand for any length of time.

I take my mobility for granted I guess. I never thought of the effort required just to stand upright and make myself a plate of food or grab a Diet Coke. To be honest, I go nuts when I'm bedridden. Gabe is much more suited to it than I apparently. He's been laid up pretty much since Christmas and can still manage not to snap at me just because I can walk and he can't. If the tables were turned, I'm not sure I could say the same.

So my trip to LA was cancelled. Disneyland must wait a few more weeks. I'm hoping (again) to go down fairly soon, the 20th or so. I can't say I wasn't disappointed, but I feel I made the right choice to stay and take care of my husband. I couldn't just abandon him there in that bed!

He's on the mend (we think, we hope) finally and seems to be getting around a little better. He's not going to push it, he says, and I believe him because he's pushed it before and ended up worse for it.

I am better too, this whole situation was just getting to me and I was irritated. But he dragged the truth out of me and I feel much lighter. I got my toes done Tuesday (finally, OMG) and am getting a haircut today. I'm not going short, this time.

Ach! I have to go to work now!


giddy girlie said...

Yikes! I hope that Gabe is feeling better soon! Either that or he gets a robot that can deliver bedside Diet Cokes! :)

Disneyland misses you but has promised to stay open in case you want to come another day.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Gabe! Dude. Sprung backs ain't no fun. You made a good decision.

Can hardly wait to see you someday!