Yesterday, I had a conniption. It was my first one in a long time and I really wanted to not be having it, but I didn't seem to have any choice in the matter. It had to do with my request for certain days off being completely overlooked and I was SUPER. PISSED. OFF.
Don't they know who I am?!
But I quickly got into action and got it all taken care of. Barring any setbacks with Gabe's situation, I believe I am finally going to Disneyland next week. Even if I have to go myself, which hopefully I don't!
I wish I could've gotten over it that fast. I got so overwrought that I had an emotional hangover for hours! I couldn't shake the anger that I felt. I went on a five mile hike and that finally made me feel better. Then I went to a meeting later which usually does good things to the mood of an alcoholic like myself.
So it's all good. And I really need to work on how I react when I don't get my way.
I like the bangs! I cut bangs in October and now I'm having issues with making them lay down normal, so I think I should grow them back out again. Stupid cowlicks!!
Sorry that things with work got mixed up. And glad that things got resolved.
I like the bangs...and just so you know, if you ever want to cut it all off you can totally rock that super short Audry Hepburn cut from the movie Sabrina.
You look hot! I love bangs, everyone looks younger with bangs, not that you by any means look old! My problem is every time I cut them I regret it.
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