My friend Jennie arrived last night and we don't have any plans but I'm sure something will come out of the day. It's so relaxing up here that it's tempting not to do anything but look out the window and watch the yard react to the sunlight. Still, I'm pretty sure we'll go to Cambria and follow Highway 1 down to Morro Bay, then cut across back home. Maybe this time I'll take some pictures! Duh...
I hope to remember that life is a journey today, and stop trying so hard to arrive at whatever I have decided is my destination.
Have fun!! Cambria is soooooooo pretty!
YAY CROSSSTITCH!!!! Oh, and also seeing friends and having fun and... you know... :)
I so wish I could be on those highways with you up there - what a beautiful place to be in......and go cross-stitch!
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