Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Defying Gravity

I signed my resignation papers yesterday. I am officially out of the gravitational pull of the phone company. It's obviously a little strange. Thirteen years is a long time to do anything, especially because I identified myself by my employment for so long. More recently, I had made a concious effort to avoid thinking of myself as an AT&T drone only, and to focus on the other things I did that validated me.

Because, honestly, how sad is it to base your entire worth for breathing on something that you're kinda miserable about doing? Plus, I've known for some time that I would be moving on from there. So, having learned that it's important to have healthy replacements for new vacancies in my life, I have been thinking about being a friend, a wife, an artist. A butterfly chaser... what ever!

My friend Tianana just started her own blog, called "Spread Your Wings" and I feel today that is speaking directly to me. I am completely and totally ready to be happily surprised by what is in store for me. I am as prepared as I'm going to get, although I'll never stop working on myself. I feel free, joyful and even a little proud. Walking away from a job like that is something I never thought I'd do.

In one way it's the riskiest thing I've ever done! In another, it's also just behind getting sober as far as taking care of myself, and allowing myself to find out who I actually am.

In other news, I went to Burbank over the weekend and it was pretty cool. It was like I never left, and I did more talking in the 3 days I was there than I had the whole previous month. I saw many (but not all) of the people I wanted to see. And in the end, I couldn't wait to come home to Atascadero...

Ain't that a trip?

1 comment:

Big Dave said...

Great Seeing you and Gabe
Big Dave